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Fresh Food Initiative

Since 2009, the KAM Isaiah Israel farmers, through our Social Justice Committee’s Food Justice and Sustainability Program, have grown, harvested, and donated more than 20,000 pounds of fresh produce. For five months a year, from June through October, our crew delivers fresh fruits and vegetables, weekly, to several hot meal programs in Chicago.

With our High Holy Day Fresh Food Initiative, we are able to provide fresh food to those in need for an additional five months a year - during the “lean months” - when our own urban farm is asleep for the winter. In collaboration with local growers and businesses, our KAM Isaiah Israel food justice crew uses the money collected during the High Holy Days to support the purchase of storage crops for our “in season” recipients.

Last year with your generous support, hundreds of pounds of apples, carrots, potatoes, and onions were purchased. Our recipients were delighted with the “off season” deliveries and the KAM Isaiah Israel farmers were happy to remain in touch over the winter with cooks and coordinators.=

The High Holy Day Fresh Food Initiative is one more opportunity for us to continue this truly important work. 

Click here to donate online. If you prefer to send a check, please note "HHD Fresh Food Initiative" in the memo and mail it to:

KAM Isaiah Israel
Attn: Fresh Food Initiative
5039 S. Greenwood Ave
Chicago, IL 60615 
Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785