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Shoresh: Shabbat Based Jewish Education


         Register for Shoresh 2024


New! Tot Time at Shoresh

Embrace Jewish time and ease into the evening with your little ones! Join us for a joyful Friday evening Tot Time from 5-6 pm with crafts, stories, and music, led by experienced educator Elisa Aranoff, along with visits from our clergy and staff. Candle lighting at 5:45 pm with the entire Shoresh community adds a beautiful moment to welcome Shabbat together. Powered by Jbaby. Come for the whole year or just one. Ages 4 and under + caregiver. 

Register here or here.


Teen Programs at KAMII

NEW! Community Adventure Program
Meet: Monthly, Location and Dates TBD
Sessions: 10 

Exploring off-site communities of different faiths and community engagement. This may include: The Farmers, Southside Blooms, A local church or Mosque, the B’ahai temple. One month will be prepping for the excursion, exploring Jewish topics to present on, and the following month will be the excursion. End of year may culminate with hosting at our Synagogue. Combine this with being madrichim or just do solo!

Confirmation Class + Holiday Squad 
Meet: Monthly and select holidays, Location and Dates TBD
L’Taken - Feb 21-24, 2025
Monthly meetings with the Rabbi and a trip to Washington D.C. Lead a culminating confirmation service and be memorialized on the KAMII photo wall for all eternity. Will volunteer at KAMII community holiday celebrations and facilitate booths.

8-9th Grade register for Madrichim Training Program through our enrollment page. 10th-12th grade will receive a separate interest form.

Shoresh provides hands-on Jewish learning for Kindergarten through 10th grade learners. Kindergarten–9th grade learners meet Friday afternoons, culminating in our weekly family Shabbat service. Shoresh families love our focus on Shabbat—Judaism's built-in break from the busy week—and coming together to welcome Shabbat with friends. Shoresh is an inclusive and diverse environment where interfaith families, Jews of color, Jews by choice, LGBTQ+ families and learners, and many others find a home for Jewish learning.

FAQ About Shoresh

Schedule & logistics

1. When are Shoresh sessions held for Kindergarten-9th grade learners?

Fridays, 4:00-6:30 PM.

2. What is the timing of the family Shabbat service during the Shoresh session?

5:45pm - Community candle lighting and Oneg (optional for parents).
6-6:30pm - Learners engage with prayers and Hebrew, and families connect (required for parents).

3. Why is regular Shabbat service participation important for b'nai mitzvah preparation?

Regular participation in Shabbat services aids in learning Hebrew prayers and how to pray.

4. Where can I find this year's Shoresh calendar?

The Shoresh 2024-2025 calendar is coming soon.

5. When does Shoresh begin?

Shoresh starts in September, after weekday schools commence, allowing time to adjust. Some Fridays may have Shoresh while your child's school is off. Shoresh is typically 3 Fridays a month. 

6. Why does Shoresh have mixed-age groups?

Mixed-age groups foster community building. We aim to enhance relationships among learners and their connection to the congregation.

7. How can learners get to Shoresh on Fridays?

Learners often carpool or use other transportation options. Contact Deanna Neil to connect with families from the same school.

8. What is the Hebrew program at Shoresh?

Hebrew@Home connects teachers and Shoresh learners for one-on-one 30-minute weekly Zoom sessions.

During this time learners will learn to decode and begin studying prayers. all learners need to learn these skills prior ot their B'nai Mitzvah. The congregation subsidizes the first 20 sessions with a fee of $400 per learner. If your child needs more practice they will be encouraged to continue with a tutor. 

Complemented by Friday sessions, learners encounter Hebrew words, phrases, and prayers.

9.  How can I select a Hebrew@Home time?

Families choose a Hebrew@Home time in late summer or early fall. Sessions are available Sundays through Thursdays, starting one week after Shoresh.

1-on-1 midweek Hebrew@Home program (subsidized for members) for 2nd-6th graders, is $400 

Non members will pay full price or $700/ school year (whatever is greater).

10. Do I need to be a member of KAM Isaiah Israel to participate in Shoresh?

Shoresh welcomes everyone. KAM Isaiah Israel members receive a Shoresh discount and additional benefits. Financial assistance is available.

Non-Members pay 150% of tuition stated.

11. What is the tuition information for the 2024-2025 year? 

Annual tuition includes weekly Shoresh sessions during the school year (typically 3 times a month) all materials and snack.

1-on-1 midweek Hebrew@Home program (subsidized for members) for 2nd-6th graders, is $400 

Grade Level Members Non-Members
Tot Time - 4 and Under $135 $135
K-1st grade $695 $1045
2nd-3rd grade $995 $1495
4th-5th grade $1295 $1945
6th-7th grade $1295 $1945

8th-9th grade - Community Adventurer
8-9th grade - Madrichim
8-9th grade - Bundle discount



10th grade Confirmation $1750 Unavailable
B’nai mitzvah
(3 payments over 3 years, 1st payment due at date confirmation)
$1800 Unavailable
Hebrew @Home
(20- 30min sessions)
 $400 $700

As always, KAMII provides financial assistance for membership and tuition, as needed for every family.

Content & learning

1. How do you address the emotional needs of children in Shoresh? At Shoresh, we prioritize connection and community building. Learners feel supported and connected through tailored content and individualized attention. Our team includes specialists and Madrichim (teen assistants) to provide additional support when needed.

2. What if my child has a learning difference? All children are welcome and included at Shoresh. We adapt our sessions to cater to diverse learning styles. Our relationship-focused approach ensures a welcoming environment. We closely communicate with parents to address specific needs. Please contact the Director of Lifelong Learning to talk about the specifics of how to help your child thrive at Shoresh.

3. Why should my child start Shoresh before formal Hebrew instruction or B'nai mitzvah dates? Shoresh is a comprehensive program that begins in Kindergarten and extends through 10th grade. Starting early allows children to explore Jewish identity and rituals, providing essential learning and community-building opportunities. We encourage early registration to fully benefit from the foundation we provide for upper-grade Jewish education.

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785