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Southside Shavuot Night of Social Justice Learning
Saturday, June 4 at 8:00 PM

KAM Isaiah Israel is cosponsoring the first ever Southside Social Justice Tikkun Leil Shavuot (night of study for Shavuot). Shavuot celebrates the moment when Jews received the Torah at Sinai; nighttime learning as a community allows us to tap into this moment of revelation! 

We will have multiple learning sessions, a Ma'ariv (evening) service, music, and snacks to sustain us along with cheesecake and informal time to connect by the KAMII fire pit on Greenwood Plaza. 

KAMII, 18 Doors, JCUA, Keshet for LGBTQ+ Equality, Moishe House, Nichols Park Minyan and Repair the World are excited to have you join us for a night of learning, bonfire, song and cheesecake! Teachers from these partner organizations will share what Judaism can teach us about committing to tikkun olam, repairing the world.

Portions of the night will take place inside KAM Isaiah Israel, which is most easily accessible by ramp from our parking lot entrance

Other parts of the night will be on Greenwood Plaza, an outdoor space with some cracked and uneven pavement. 

We expect that all food served will be kosher with plenty of gluten free, dairy free, and nut free options.


Mon, February 17 2025 19 Sh'vat 5785